★ e-Paper No.62

 Date : 2013-06-03


 【Vol.YD-46】Sexy Lingerie Set(M/L/Dy)# Pink   

Suitable: DDS-M/L Chest、、DD-M/L Chest、DDdy

* Set incl. :

(1) Lace Lingerie (2) Lace Underwear W/Garter Belt

(3) Lace Neck (4) Lace Sleeves  (5) Lace Parts (6) Lace Top Stocking  (7) Headdress

【Vol.YD-49】Sexy Lingerie Set(M/L)# White

Suitable: DDS-M/L Chest、、DD-M/L Chest

* Set incl. :

(1) Lace Lingerie W/Garter Belt  (2) Lace Underwear

(3) Lace Neck (4) Lace Sleeves (5) Lace Parts (6) Lace Skirt

(7) Lace Top Stocking (8) Headdress

=> More Details Check link <=

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